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Dátum publikovania: 03.06.2024

Launch manager ( elektro výroba )

Plný Úväzok
Manažment a Poradenstvo
Dátum nástupu:
2 week's notice period
Platové podmienky:
2500.0 EUR
Informácie o pracovnej ponuke
-Located in Kechnec plant and reports to General Manager -Primary objectives are to manage timing, quality, and financial results of programs from start to finish -Financial focus on program spending and metrics including Engineering spending and forecast; capital and tooling spend vs. budget; and associated overall program metrics -Strong understand of industrialization process; support for DFM and launch readiness processes -Primary point of communication interface to the customer for the respective program(s). -Responsible for supporting the preparation and business case review of quotations for customers. -Responsible for supporting quotes targeting profitable and/or strategic business opportunities, performing contract reviews when awarded, and lessons learned analyses for lost business opportunities. -Cohesively aligns with Global Product Managers, Product Engineering, and ----Sales by providing customer feedback on products and features as well as competitive information within their respective product group.
Požiadavky na zamestnanca
-SAP -English language -ideally an experience within automotive or elektronics industry -project management experience

Táto pozícia už bola obsadená. Pozrite si prosím naše ďalšie aktuálne ponuky práce a nájdite svoju príležitosť.

Zobraziť pracovné ponuky

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